No. We offer both in-person and telehealth therapy. In-person therapy sessions are conducted at 11960 Westline Industrial Dr., Suite #265, St. Louis, MO 63146. Telehealth therapy sessions can be accessed from most phones, tablets, or computers. Our therapists are licensed to provide telehealth therapy sessions in Missouri only. We suggest completing your session in a quiet, private space with a strong WiFi connection.
Psychological evaluations are conducted in person at 11960 Westline Industrial Dr., Suite #265, St. Louis, MO 63146. We also now offer telehealth evaluations for adults who live more than 2 hours outside the greater St. Louis area. If you want this option, please contact our office for more details.
No, not necessarily. While some clients may benefit from in-person sessions (e.g., young children and clients experiencing psychosis), research shows telehealth services are as effective as in-person sessions to treat anxiety, depression, and stress.
Telehealth offers benefits over in-person sessions, such as increased access to services, decreased session time, and flexibility.
It depends. Dr. Ritchie is licensed in 26 different states and serves clients nationwide. Psychological evaluations for children (18 and under) are only available in our St. Louis, MO office; however, we offer telehealth evaluations for adults who live longer than 2 hours from St. Louis.
Our other therapists who offer telehealth services are licensed in Missouri only.
At this time, we do not offer weekend appointments. We have a limited number of evening slots. Please contact our office to inquire about availability if you need an evening time. Preference for evening availability is given to current clients, so if you can start with daytime appointments, you will have first availability when evenings become available.
If you are a new client interested in setting up an appointment, please call our office at (314) 325-2685. You can also book a phone consultation with our intake coordinator to help you find the right therapist on our team.
Yes and no. Dr. Ritchie does not accept any insurance for therapy or psychological evaluations. We have therapists who accept Anthem BCBS, Aetna, Cigna, UnitedHealthcare and UMR insurance plans. If we do not receive your health insurance, private pay options are available – we offer several different payment options. Additionally, our office can provide you with the paperwork needed to file with your insurance company for out-of-network benefits.
A psychological assessment helps assess a client’s functioning in several areas, including cognitive skills, learning abilities, and personality characteristics.
Assessments help document the need for certain services, such as educational accommodations and medical treatment for specific conditions. They are also helpful when a person has been in treatment but is not making expected progress.
Not everyone needs a psychological assessment. Other professionals, such as medical doctors, school staff, or current therapists, often recommend completing an evaluation if required. Please contact our office if you have additional questions about whether you would benefit from this service.
Our office specializes in working with clients struggling with anxiety, mood disorders, and life transitions. Some of the common issues we treat include depression, anxiety, OCD, trauma, bipolar disorder, grief, anger issues, job changes, relationship problems, and phases of life transitions.
We do not offer couples therapy or traditional family therapy; however, we may conduct a family session with an established individual therapy client as needed.
We work with people 13 years and older for therapy. We offer assessments for people three years and older.
In sessions, we typically discuss issues causing you struggles in your daily life. Common topics often discussed include daily stress, work-related challenges, relationship issues, and medical issues, but no topics are off-limits! You can expect our therapists to listen nonjudgmentally and validate your feelings. Additionally, our therapists provide practical strategies to help you work through your challenges in a way that makes you feel good.
The treatment length depends on each client and the severity of their presenting problems. The minimum time clients participate in therapy is approximately three months, but typically, therapy clients are in treatment for 6 to 12 months. Clients can decrease the time needed to participate in treatment by practicing strategies in their daily lives outside of the session.
This question is hard to answer, but here is something to consider – Clients feel better faster the more frequently they attend sessions. We recognize there may be practical considerations (e.g., scheduling, financial resources, etc.) that impact the frequency of sessions.
I’ve had great people who supported me through some difficult times.
I became a therapist because I wanted to be that person for people struggling with their mental health and going through challenging situations. While my work can be difficult at times, it is incredibly gratifying to see people grow and make changes in their lives!
To laugh or not to laugh in session – that is the question.
Laughter is one of the best medicines, so YES! We often talk through severe issues with our clients, but often, we can laugh through these challenges discreetly. In our experience, laughter makes it easier to work through complex issues and build a solid therapeutic relationship.
Either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.
My favorite thing about St. Louis is the variety of activities offered in the city and surrounding areas. My favorite things include participating in community activities, attending sporting events, and visiting local restaurants and breweries.
I like anything with Denzel Washington. Some of my favorites are “Man on Fire,” “American Gangster,” and “Training Day.”
Contact GBH Consultants at (314) 325-2685 if you have additional questions about our behavioral therapy options.
Evenings Available By Appointment